The Green House Project Luncheon & Briefing

February 5, 2013 phunter

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
12:00 to 2:00 PM
LeadingAge Office
2519 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Please join us to learn about this innovative, small house model of long-term care. Green Houses are operating around the country with 146 homes currently open and over a hundred more in development. The Green House program is a credible model for deep, sustainable and viable culture change. Whether a Green House project is in your immediate plans or not, you should not miss this opportunity to learn why the financial and market performance is making The Green House Project a leader in skilled nursing care.

Speakers: Dr. Larry Minnix, LeadingAge President & CEO; Mr. Robert Jenkens, Managing Director for Aging and Independence at NCB Capital Impact and Administrator of The Green House Project; Mr. Ron Yoder, CEO of Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, LeadingAge Member and Developer of the First Green House Project in Virginia

Please RSVP to Alayna Waldrum, by Friday, Feb 15, 2013.