District Releases Senior Transportation RFA

March 28, 2013 phunter

The Office on Aging (DCOA) is soliciting applications from qualified entities to operate the Washington Elderly Handicapped Transportation Service (WEHTS). The Request for Application (RFA) will seek an organization to operate the WEHTS program, currently located at 2601 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC.

WEHTS provides quality curb-to-curb service for District residents 60 years of age and older to essential medical and life sustaining appointments. Operations also include transportation to sites and activities, the Call-N-Ride taxicab voucher program and Home Delivered Meal (HDM) Program. Federal and District of Columbia appropriated funds are available for a single or collaborative applicant organization to operate one or up to four transportation services.

The application submission deadline is April 19 at 4:45 pm EDT. No late applications will be accepted. The RFA will be available on the Office on Aging’s website and on the Office of Partnerships and Grant Services’ website.