LeadingAge New York, along with LeadingAge national and the state affiliates rolled out the Nursing Home 5-Star Analysis Report in September. You should have received your report via e-mail and will continue to receive an updated analysis on a quarterly basis as a free LeadingAge primary member benefit. The report includes a comprehensive analysis of your Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) 5-star rating, highlighting areas to focus improvement efforts to increase your star rating.
If you missed the trainings we offered a few weeks ago, we will be offering it again on November 19th at 2:00pm EST. We will review the Nursing Home 5-Star Analysis report and show you how to best use the report in conjunction with Nursing Home Quality Metrics to track trends, identify areas of success, analyze areas for improvement, and demonstrate value to potential health care partners. Click here to register for the November 19th.
Please Christy Kramer at ckramer@leadingage.org if you did not receive your facility’s 5-star analysis, so we can send you a link to access the report.