Seed Grants Available for the Start-up of Dementia Day Programs

February 16, 2016 LeadingAge DC Executive Director

The Brookdale Foundation Group has issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the start-up of new, social model Group Respite or Early Memory Loss programs for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.


In October 2016, The Foundation will be awarding up to 15 seed grants for the development of dementia specific Group Respite programs or specialized programs for people with Early Memory Loss (EML). The grants are $10,000 for the first year with an opportunity for a second tier grant of $5,000. Any 501(c)(3) or equivalent not-for-profit service agency wishing to develop a social model, day program for Alzheimer’s families is invited to apply. Proposals are due at The Brookdale Foundation Group office in New Jersey on Thursday, July 7, 2016.


Applications for the dementia-specific Group Respite program should be based on the best practices discussed in the manual, How to Start and Manage a Group Activities and Respite Program for People with Alzheimer’s and Their Families. For programs focusing on EML, a replicable model is outlined in the guide: How to Plan and Implement an Early Memory Loss Program. To order these free publications and or to download grant guidelines and the RFP application, visit:

For Additional Information Contact: Carmen Mendieta, MPA, Technical Assistance Consultant to BNGRP at