LeadingAge is on the board of Center for Excellence in Assisted Living (CEAL) and CEAL has been engaged with CMS throughout their development of the new HCBS guidance.
CEAL provided guidance earlier this year on two areas that we believe needed additional clarification for assisted living providers: setting location and secured assisted living communities designed to serve people with dementia. After receiving CEAL’s initial guidance, CMS requested additional information on person-centered dementia care. With input from providers and experts, CEAL produced a report on person-centered dementia care in assisted living. CMS has had an opportunity to review the report and provide feedback to the CEAL Board. This report will now be a public document.
As a next step, CMS has informed CEAL that additional guidance on dementia care as it relates to the HCBS Final Rule will be forthcoming. CEAL remains committed to working collaboratively with CMS on the HCBS rule implementation.