LeadingAge DC is gearing up to prepare you and your nursing home team for the massive regulatory changes just released.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) just released hundreds of changes to the current nursing home Requirements of Participation (RoPs). A reminder these will be the new requirements all LTC Providers must meet in order to participate in the Medicaid and Medicare program. For recollection, a summary of the proposed rule is available here.
A quick summary of these changes includes individualized meal plans, antipsychotic use, Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI), infection control, physical environment, nursing services, administration, physician services, laboratory, radiology, other diagnostic services, pharmacy services, behavioral health services, specialized rehabilitative services, outpatient rehabilitation services, dental services, comprehensive person-centered care planning, facility responsibilities, transitions of care, and staff training requirements.
LeadingAge DC is working on a strategy to ensure that members are fully informed and supported during this massive change. This will include written summaries and professional development programs. These seminars are just one of the many ways your Association will help your organization achieve regulatory compliance and improve the quality of care and services provided to those you serve. There’s more to come- stay tuned.