SNF VBP: Understanding Your Facility’s Confidential Feedback Report Call

February 28, 2017 LeadingAge DC Executive Director

CMS is hosting a call on Skilled Nursing Facility, Value Based Purchasing on Wednesday, March 15th from 12:30 p.m. until 2:00 p.m.

During this call, CMS staff will discuss the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, including confidential quarterly feedback reports and implementation guidance. Participants on the call will gain an understanding of the significance of readmissions and how SNF risk-standardized readmission rates are computed. CMS will explain how to navigate through the Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) and the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting (CASPER) application systems to report SNF quality performance. A question and answer session follows the presentation.

The SNF VBP Program rewards SNFs with incentive payments for quality of care, promoting better clinical outcomes for SNF patients. The program will begin in FY 2019.

The call is directed toward SNFs, administrators, clinicians, and other stakeholders.

To register for the call or for more information, visit MLN Connects Event Registration.