PBJ 2.3.0 was released during the standard QIES Monthly Downtime weekend on 3/19/2017.
The following items were updated for PBJ 2.3.0 and released 2/19/2017:
- An updated errata V2.00.3 has been posted for the PBJ Data Submission Specifications V2.00.0 and is now available in the download section at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/NursingHomeQualityInits/Staffing-Data-Submission-PBJ.html.
- The following two items have been added to the errata:
Both hire date and termination date items are now considered optional
Edit -5001, which required that the same Employee ID value could not be used more than once in a single PBJ submission XML file, is now deleted.
- A new PBJ XSD V2.00.3 and an associated readme file are now available in the download section at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/NursingHomeQualityInits/Staffing-Data-Submission-PBJ.html.
* PBJ XSD V2.00.3 implements the changes described in Issues 07 and 08 of the PBJ Data Submission Specifications Errata V2.00.3.
* PBJ will continue to support the submission of PBJ XML files compatible to the previous PBJ XSD V2.00.0.
The following items were updated for PBJ 2.3.0 and released 3/19/2017:
The PBJ Data Specs Overview (V2.00.1) has been updated to support V2.00.3 of the errata and is now available in the download section at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/NursingHomeQualityInits/Staffing-Data-Submission-PBJ.html
The PBJ Excel to XML Template V2.00.3 has been updated to support V2.00.3 of the XSD. The following fields in the header section of the PBJ Excel to XML Template V2.00.3 are now populated and protected:
* fileSpecVersion: 2.00.3
* softwareVendorName: CMS
* softwareVendorEmail: <blank>
* softwareProductName: PBJ Excel Template
* softwareProductVersion: 2.00.3
Reports 1702D Individual Daily Staffing and 1701D Census have been updated to include an “Only Include Data Accepted Prior to the Deadline” option on the parameter page. This update will allow users to run these reports and only see data that was accepted prior to the 45 day deadline for a specific quarter.
The following rules will now apply for the hire date and termination date being displayed in PBJ and the 1700D Employee report:
* If the last record submitted is a hire date only, the hire date from the submission is displayed.
* If the last record submitted are a hire and termination date, the hire and termination date from the submission are displayed.
* If the last record submitted is a termination date only, the termination date from the submission is displayed and the last hire date submitted is displayed.
* If the last record submitted contains no termination date and no hire date, the last hire date submitted is displayed. If no hire date is available the hire and termination dates will be blank.
The Employee List page has been updated. The default employee list contains active employees. Active employees are determined by the last submitted record. Active employees are determined by having a termination date greater than or equal to the current date or having no termination date. The value of hire date is not considered in determining an active employee.
The “Include Terminated Employees” option on the Employee List page contains active and terminated employees when selected. Terminated employees shall be determined by the last submitted record. An employee shall be considered terminated if the last submitted record has a termination date and the date is less than the current date.