HUD Published Formal Request for Feedback on Regulatory Reform.

June 1, 2017 LeadingAge DC Executive Director

On Monday, May 15, HUD published a formal request for feedback on regulatory reform. As part of this review, HUD invites public comments to assist in identifying existing regulations that may be outdated, ineffective or excessively burdensome.
LeadingAge, has started to build a list of potential topics to suggest (thanks to the advice of members participating in the Housing Advisory Group and representing their states in the LeadingAge Public Policy Congress). However, LeadingAge is seeking additional feedback and comments from members to include in their formal response.

For each regulation identified to be repealed, replaced, or modified:

  • please identify whether the regulation:
    (a) Results in the elimination of jobs, or inhibits job creation;
    (b) Is outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective;
    (c) Imposes costs that exceed benefits;
    (d) Creates a serious inconsistency or otherwise interferes with regulatory reform initiatives and policies;
    (e) Is inconsistent with the requirements or regulations of section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note), which requires that agencies maximize the quality, objectivity, and integrity of the information (including statistical information) they disseminate; or
    (f) Derives from or implements Executive Orders or other Presidential directives that have been subsequently rescinded or substantially modified.

HUD is also seeking feedback on:

  • What factors HUD should use when considering how to prioritize rules when implementing the regulatory offsets.
  • Are there any HUD regulatory requirements that have been overtaken by technological developments? Can new technologies be used to modify, streamline, or do away with these requirements?
  • Are there any existing HUD requirements that duplicate or conflict with requirements of another Federal agency? Can the requirement be modified to eliminate the conflict?
  • What are the estimated total compliance costs of the HUD regulations to which you or your organization must comply? (to include cost of information collections, recordkeeping, etc.) So systems, policy modifications, consultants to implement/review for compliance, etc.

Please send comments to