Congress adjourned last week and headed home for a long August recess. Now is the perfect time for members like you to meet with legislators and educate them about the issues that seriously impact older adults that you serve.
Without your voice advocating for the seniors you care for and the organizations you lead, legislators don’t know what is needed and craft policies and budgets that do not reflect the concerns of the people or communities they are supposed to serve.
We urge you to take advantage of the August Congressional recess by inviting legislators to your communities or scheduling a meeting with them at their district office. We have created a grassroots toolkit which includes sample letters and other resources to guide you through the organizing process. We have also written short legislative issue briefs, so that you are well prepared to discuss emerging issues with your lawmaker.
The LeadingAge advocacy staff is available to assist you in planning these advocacy activities. Contact Marsha Padilla-Goad at (202) 508-9442 if you have any questions or need additional details.