Senator Elizabeth Warren Praised Work of LeadingAge and Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly (JCHE).

June 1, 2017 LeadingAge DC Executive Director
LeadingAge’s efforts to protect and expand HUD’s Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program were highlighted at a May 17 hearing of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, in which Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke and praised the work of LeadingAge and Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly (JCHE).

The Committee is chaired by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), who also chairs the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD).

As part of the fiscal year 2017 THUD bill, Senator Collins worked to ensure the bill not only provided full renewal funding for Section 202 homes, but also included $10 million for either new Section 202 construction or new Senior Preservation Assistance Contracts (the choice is the HUD Secretary’s). This is the first new funding for the Section 202 program since fiscal year 2011 and is greatly welcomed by housing providers.