Adult Day Treatment Changes

December 20, 2012 phunter

On December 13, 2012, LeadingAge DC attended a provider meeting with DC Health Care Finance Administration on the upcoming changes to the adult day treatment program. CMS continues to press DC to take the necessary steps to end adult day treatment under the current system and as a result DC has been working to prepare a 1915(i) Medicaid waiver application to maintain services to those frail seniors served under the current program. DC HCFA is working with the providers, the Department of Mental Health and the Department on Disability Services to transition other populations served to other services programs. The major changes that all providers need to be aware of are (1) that HCFA will not permit new enrollees in adult day treatment effective 1/1/13 and (2) that the 1915 (i) waiver process has spurred the development of a uniform assessment tool for services in DC. The new assessment tool will be used as a “conflict-free” tool, implemented by a third party to direct consumers to those services that they are eligible for in the District. While some of the governmental agencies have the capacity and skills to perform assessments and referrals, it was clear that the Department expects to have to do some capacity building for the agency that will handle the new waiver assessments. DC HCFA will continue to hold monthly meetings, as well as targeted workgroups, with providers. For more information, contact Alayna Waldrum at